Livingroom believes that gardens are invitations. They are a place to observe and reflect, to become inspired and dream, to meander, frolic, and follow intuitive movements, slow down, listen, witness and commune. A sweet petition to live, experience, and to tell stories about the world around you. Not only of beauty, but of comfort by existing simply, connected to surroundings and community. Our gardens are an invitation to be alive.
BOTANICAL NAME Acer circinatum Cornus alba 'Elegantissima' Cornus alba 'Golden Prairie Fire' Edgeworthia papyrifera Gautheria shallon Hamamelis vernalis Iris reticulata 'Katherine Hodgkin' Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' Muscari armeniacum 'Big Smile' Myrica californica Narcissus 'Jack Snipe' Parrotia persica Polystichum munitum Polystichum polyblepharum Seslaria autumnalis Stewartia pseudocamellia Thymus 'Silver Posie' Tulipa 'Princess Irene' Vaccinium ovatum |
COMMON NAME Vine Maple Variegated Redtwig Dogwood 'Elegantissima' Golden Prairie Fire Dogwood Chinese Paperbush Salal Ozark Witch Hazel Iris 'Katherine Hodgkin' Morning Light Maiden Grass Grape Hyacinth 'Big Smile' Pacific Wax Myrtle Daffodil 'Jack Snipe' Persian Ironwood Sword Fern Tassel Fern Autumn Moor Grass Japanese Stewartia Thyme 'Silver Posie' Tulip 'Princess Irene' Evergreen Huckleberry |
Location: Washington State Convention Center — Seattle, WA, USA
Livingroom: Jay Paganini + Kelly Tivnan
Event: Northwest Flower and Garden Show 2023
Size: 600ft² approx.
Collaborators: Thank you family, friends, and mentors for your support and guidance. Thank you NWFGS staff and volunteers from LW Tech, Bastyr, and our community for your trust and patience. Thank you sponsors T&L, Mutual Materials, Marenakos, Pacific Topsoil, and Big Trees.